Orchids, Plants & Dish Gardens


Plants are a great addition to any home or office.
Before selecting the right plant, keep the following tips in mind.

Small Plants as Gifts-

Small plants are ideal for a desk top. They should be no taller than two feet tall. For a larger desk space, a dish garden would be a good choice, giving a variety of mini plants to admire.

Dish gardens have many minature plants in a single container. Some plants may have different watering needs than others in the container. Some may grow larger than others. After a period of time, some plants will have to be removed from the container and replanted in a pot of its own. This will allow it to flourish and also give the other plants in the dish garden the opportunity to have healthy growth.

Orchid plants, lucky bamboo and succlents plants are also part of the small plant category. They are the preferred plants for gift giving. Not only are they asethically pleasing, but they require very little maintenance and free of allergies.

Orchid plants have beautiful blooms that can last for weeks.
After the blooms are gone, the plant will bloom again if well cared for.

Lucky Bamboo plants are typically given as a "Good Luck" gift. It is considered lucky, only if given as a gift. It is known to attract health, happiness, love and abundance for the lucky reciepient.

Succulents are a varied group of plants that present interesting textures, colors and flowers for some. Succulents can tolerate little water and limited lighting.The Cactus is the most popular of the succulent family for gift giving.

Medium and Large Plants as Gifts-

Medium or large indoor plants typically require more care than smaller plants. For a medium/large plant (one that sits on the floor), consider the Peace Lily. This is one of the few low light indoor plants that flowers regularly. It does well in cooler rooms with shade, but require regular watering.

An alternative to the Peace Lily is the dieffenbachia, one of the most dependable and toughest of all houseplants. They thrive on low light and prefer regular room temperature.

Lucky Bamboo Plant Dish Garden
Lucky Bamboo Plant Dish Garden
Orchid Plant Succulent Plant garden
Orchid Plants Succulent Dish Garden
Peace Lily Plant Dieffenbachia Plant